Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Shoes Shoes Shoes

How many pairs of running shoes do you have? Well.. I have 3!!! In all honesty, I think serious runners should have two pairs. I have three!!! What does that say about me??? :P

No in all honesty, I believe people who are not runners will say I am a crazy runner. People who are really serious about running would call me a half-f***ed runner. Haha. I guess I am in between the two.

So why do I say two pairs of shoes. If you are serious, you will run pretty often. Perhaps like three times or more a week. And if you do run that often, it would be really good if you can give your shoes a break. I believe by rotating your shoes, you can make your shoes last longer. Well anyway I read somewhere just today that each pair of shoes should last between 350 miles to 500 miles. That's about 500km to 800km. How much is that in terms of weeks? If you run like 6km three times a week, your shoe will last about 28 to 45 weeks. That's like 6 months to 10 months. So if you have two pairs of shoes, it may last you up to one and a half years instead. :P Not only that, by practising rotating shoes, you allow your shoes to breathe. In other words, your shoes wouldn't stink that much now that you can allow them to air longer.

So anyway, now you know I advocate two pairs of shoes. Get it if you feel comfortable or are convinced by my not-so-convincing argument. Now why do I have three pairs? Well my third pair is my quick pair. It's a racing shoe. As I have always aspired, ever since my National Service Days, to achieve that elusive 9.14min, I keep that shoes for that special 2.4km. So now you know. Haha.. :P

Monday, August 18, 2008

Work Work

I just graduated about a month or so. And since then, I have begun working in the ever-busy Shenton Way. My day begins at 8.30am to 5.30pm. By right, that is, I should end by 5.30pm. Well, that has not happened yet. And I do doubt if I would ever end my day at 5.30pm. So how how how. How do I run? Well one has to come up with some means to do that..

My first week of work was, very fortunately, overseas. My lovely company sent me and my fellow newbies to the shores of Penang. I wanted to say lovely shores but the haze has really cast a shadow, literally, on the beaches of Gurney. Well, I am proud to report that I manage to get my big ass out of bed on 2 days at 6am to exercise. I am so proud of myself. Tuesday morning I woke up early for a gym workout. Wednesday morning I woke up for a run along Gurney drive. Not very far though. About 20 minutes. That's like 4 to 4.5km. I was wearing my quick shoes. :) I'll tell you about my running shoes another time.

Well for my second week of work, I was already back in Singapore. I manage to drag my fat ass once more to run. I woke up at 6am on Tuesday morning for a short run. Really short. My guess is about 3.5km. Really short. But given my start time of 8.30am, and my need to catch the 7.30am bus, I am limited either by the distance I run or the time I wake up. Quite sucky. On Friday, I arranged to meet Friend A, and a couple of others for a run around school. Very nice. It's really nice to run with friends and after not meeting them for a few weeks, it really is nice. Oh anyway, it was about 6.5km to 7.5km. However, the thing is the pace was quick. But luckily, I was able to keep up with the quick ones. :)

Anyway, back to the issue at hand. How to work out given now that I have started work. Well. My two options now are waking up early and the other option is to go run after work. Well Well.. Will let you know what works for me in a couple of weeks when my work life stabilizes. Ciao