Monday, May 19, 2008

Update on Sundown Marathon Preparation

A nice friend sent me a message and asked me how was my preparation for Sundown Marathon. Well today's the 20th of May. Sundown Marathon is on the 31st of May. That makes 11 days left. For the month of May I have officially only ran three times. The distance added together doesn't even make 21km. So my answer to my friend, my preparation for this marathon is the usual, Screwed!

Well this week would really be important. On Friday, I'll be meeting a few more friends for a very long run. Hopefully 21km just as a final build up to Sundown. I hope I survive this Friday. Till then, I hope to update you guys soon. My laptop is down and I have no internet access at all. But nonetheless, I will try to update you guys. Cheers

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